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【招聘】Dubai’s biggest real estate developer Emaar Properties is seeking out Property Consultants and Sales Managers

2019-5-22 19:12| 发布者: 璃茉| 查看: 680| 评论: 9|原作者: 璃茉

摘要: 【招聘】Dubai's biggest real estate developer Emaar Properties is seeking out Property Consultants and Sales Managers(with team handli...
【招聘】Dubai's biggest real estate developer Emaar Properties is seeking out Property Consultants and Sales Managers(with team handling experience) for its Shanghai and Beijing projects. Professionals who are into Real Estate/Insurance Sales may apply.The interested candidates may send across their CVs to [email protected], or connect on WeChat +91-7839130867 ;Job Location: Beijing and Shanghai ;Salary: Open;Position: Property Consultants and Sales Managers




